> THE-ROUNDERdotnet Google calendar.
> THE-ROUNDERdotnet on Facebook. --- The WiPT 2017 is over and Jeremy Saderne has taken home the sword together with the €100k. A nice way to start the week :) After three intense days of live broadcasting of the event, I am off to Amsterdam to spend some easy time and to grrrrrrrind a bit with a buddy and I have come across some leftovers from Paris on a memory card. Keith Leung's photos are available on the Winamax FB page and Caroline Darcourt has provided great work for the Winamax coverage. Our streaming sessions archive is available on the Winamax Twitch. Ce matin, histoire de détendre l'atmosphère, nous avons publié sur PokerFirma un petit rappel pour tous vous faire relativiser au sujet de vos pertes au Poker.
> THE-ROUNDERdotnet Google calendar.
> THE-ROUNDERdotnet on Facebook. --- [Français plus bas] After the completion of my 2016 challenge, I am already looking for ideas for another challenge in 2017. [Français plus bas]
It's October! Time to take a look back to my 2016 solidarity challenge. In the beginning of 2016, I started a challenge with a 500€ bankroll aiming to step up the limits on Winamax. --- Nous voilà en octobre et il est temps de tirer un bilan de mon solidarity challenge 2016. Au début de cette année, j’ai commencé un challenge avec une bankroll de 500€ avec l’objectif de monter le plus de jetons possibles sur Winamax. Quelle surprise lorsque les joueurs de nano-stakes belges ont ouvert leur lobby PokerStars.BE le 15 juin! Plus de NL2 ni de PLO2... Un bug? Non! Ces tables n'existent tout simplement plus, mais pour quelle raison?
[Français plus bas]
And up! And down! And up, up, up! And down! Sounds like what could be a fun aerobics course with sexy neon-legging-wearing goddesses but it is the rhythm of my bankroll instead :/ [Français plus bas] It's been a rough January 12th with the first severe setback after 2.5k hands only. When I was drawing, nothing came, when vilain was drawing, he hit virtually every time. I just could not win yesterday during my 700-hand session: set over set, straight vs. higher straight, full vs. better full, nut-flush vs. two pairs that end up filling up. I've seen them all yesterday :/ It's been a rough January 12th... A friend suggested that the 13th would be better :p Let's see... [Français plus bas] Here we go ! Since last sunday, the 14th Winamax Series have started offering 10 days of Poker featuring 92 tourneys with buy-ins ranging from €5 to €1.000.
Most of the tourneys are obviously too expensive for my bankroll but I will try to participate to this huge series by playing some satellites for events that are now out of reach. So far, I have played 4 satellites with 0 qualification and €16 invested. Two €5 sats for Event 13 and two €3 sats for Event 15. 'Yoooooooo! :)
Les Winamax Series approchent!' C'est ainsi que commence le message groupé de Mathieu de la semaine dernière. Il a l'air chaud :p L'offre: un staking sur un maximum des 88 events. Pas de chichi! C'est la rentrée, on est à fond! |
July 2018