I've been coming to Vegas more and more since my first visit in 2015 or maybe 2016. I'm not a Sin City veteran or expert at all but I am starting to feel fairly good in this city that is not mine. The initial thrill of documenting a place usually fades away pretty quickly but what is nice here for me, is that the interest of shooting photos of all aspects of Las Vegas is not boring me yet. Quite the contrary is happening actually.
Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad from the Caridad Hebron community in Las Vegas.
Caridad calls it 'The Refuge in the Desert' - HEBRON is a low-income housing complex for war veterans, people experiencing transitional or long-term homelessness, and seniors. Some of the roughly two dozen volunteers have been preparing and cooking since 4am to be ready for the 130 guests' Christmas eve meal in the sun.
There might be some sort of a taste of too much when it comes to the quantity of high-end media content that is being generated around me at the WPT World Championship. We all release so much stuff for our media services, back offices, and marketing colleagues that much of what we shoot, curate, edit, upload, and archive probably never properly gets published or only gets viewed for a brief moment between two distracted scrolls in a random social media feed.
The fabulous WPT World Championship is slowly entering its final stages after a fabulous festival that has been going on since the 29th of November. The photo archive is packed with thrilling views of Sin City and poker legends at thee tables. Big prizes have been won already but it's now about time to focus on the real big money. The final table setup has been revealed and it's now time for the remaining finalists of the WPT Prime, of the 40-million Dollar heavy Main Event, and of the prestigious Big One for One Drop. All broadcasted games are accessible via the WPT YT channel.
How to measure success in business?
If you win money, you are successful. If you lose money, you are not. As the old Luxembourg saying goes: 'If it costs nothing, it is nothing.' Well, this poker festival at the Wynn is amazing in that case because the prize tag is huge. I was going to chose 'A Beautiful Failure' as a title for this post but it's not a failure. It's actually a great success. Just like money cannot buy happiness, reached prize pool guarantees are in no relationship at all with the quality of the event. Yes, this memorable party cost a lot. The World Poker Tour (WPT) has to add 2,417,000 USD to the 40,000,000 USD prize money guarantee in the 10,400 USD WPT World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas. A glorious setup in one of the elite resorts on the Strip, excellent feedback from all visitors and partners and only about 6% of the guarantee was missing after the end of registration in the Main Event. The problem with very ambitious plans is that even a close miss quickly gets very expensive. The good old risk/reward ratio is also a thing for promoters. The event is still being celebrated by the players and by the whole community for the quality provided by the WPT and Wynn/Encore teams. A prize of 5,678,000 USD awaits the winner but that's not what people who attended will keep in mind, nor will it be the amount of the overlay.
After weeks of anticipation, the last poker trip of the year takes us back to Las Vegas for the third time this year. In the spotlight: the World Poker Tour and its fantastic World Championship Festival at the exquisite Wynn/Encore.
Daily poker updates are online on pokerfirma.com. You can use the WPT World Championship tag for specific updates from the Wynn. Daily photo galleries are available on the PokerFirma Facebook page. Visit the WPT website for more info and coverage details.
Another trip to Las Vegas is coming up for all poker lovers with a big heart before the end of the year. The World Poker Tour is ending 2023 with a bang at the Wynn/Encore, one of the most elite casino complexes on the Strip. The event is part of a collaboration with the One Drop Foundation and will feature a 1-million-dollar buy-in event besides the 40-million-prize pool put in place for the 10k main event.
Informations en Français: ICI
The Circus Poker Series were the last major event at the Circus Casino Resort and many photos came together in the archive. All useful links with coverages and results are available via a recent post in the BLOG and a photo archive is online and available via the link below.
After an intense year of successful poker festivals in the renovated poker room of Namur, the poker staff of the Circus Resort showed up with a huge event to crown the year 2023.
Need assistance? BOOK YOUR TRIP with THE-ROUNDER.net and follow the NAMUR tag in the blog for more info. Les Circus Poker Series sont en cours depuis une semaine et nous fournissons des mises à jour quotidiennes dans notre rubrique de news. A côté des photos archivées et du coverage, de nombreux streamings sont prévues dont voici le plan pour les jours à venir.
Namur is my last stop in Europe before concluding 2023 in Las Vegas from December to January. In the meanwhile, I am shooting every day in Namur for the Circus Resort and PokerFirma.com. An archive is online with more than 300 shots for the first week and there is a lot more to come.
Une documentation photo de Sin City pendant presque tout le mois de décembre et jusqu’à début janvier se prépare. Cerise sur le gâteau: le WPT World Championship au Wynn Las Vegas avec 40 millions USD garantis ainsi que le Big One for One Drop à 1 million USD de buy-in.
Welcome to this new episode of POKER RADAR CHECK for November and December 2023.
The poker year has been hectic and it looks like it will conclude in spectacular fashion. This is a selection of poker trips with deals for traveling poker players. In this video, we are going to browse through some of our late 2023 poker highlights. Pack your bag, we're off to great places. The Namur casino has been given a serious facelift over the last two years and is now known as the Circus Casino Resort, one of Europe's relevant poker spots featuring a 4-star hotel with fitness and wellness offers on the shores of the Maas river. After a successful series of 2023 events, the crown event of the year is coming up: the CIRCUS POKER SERIES.
The Spanish Poker Festival (SPF) is a touring poker project with multiple stops all over Spain including occasional stops in Portugal. On top of these events in the south of Europe, the promoters also travel abroad regularly to offer big international events to their community of players. Until recently, these international poker festivals were held at King's Resort in the Czech Republic but this year, the story has changed. The new destination for the winter gathering of this major Spanish poker promoter will be Banco Casino in Bratislava for the first time.
The World Poker Tour live circuit stops at the Grand Casino Liechtenstein from the 30th August to 11th September with a WPT Prime Main Event between 6th and 11th September. There is a free registration worth 1.1k CHF to win thanks to Pokerfirma.com. Details are available in the link below.
I used to spend a lot of time at the Namur Casino. As a matter of fact, between 2012 and 2018, I was the house photographer of the run-down poker room dating back to the 80s. Plenty of pics from that time are still online in the photo archive. With no legal live poker option in Luxembourg where I was based until 2012, Namur and Belgium in general became the spot where my poker photography started to reach more people and, eventually, poker brands. It is also the place that kick-started my career as a live poker player.