I am stuck in Metz after the Beer Fest :) I guess I needed some rest after this crazy weekend of beer tasting, partying and shooting photos. Apart from randomly resting after a tough mission, there are actually good reasons for me to be stuck here :p
My Metz Beer Fest hosts are some of my all-time best buddies that I used to spend a lot of time with during my studies here so it's a pleasure to meet all those people again over these last days. What is more, I was on the go with Ady last night who had a screening and a Q&A for our film project, SAWAH. We have published photos and info in his blog today. You'll also find a link to all the photos in the photo section.
Greetings from the first Metz Beer Fest in France where I'll spend a big part of my weekend as it seems. View my photos on their Facebook page and in my photo section here. Initially, I was intended to travel with Ady to Denmark to promote Sawah at the Aarhus Film Fest but the Gods of logistics were against us on this one. We nevertheless managed to bring home a new award!! Read more about it on adolfelassal.net. These coming days, we are going to screen a Luxembourg premiere of a Balkan coproduction of ours at CinEast Film Festival and we'll then be off to France again for screenings of Sawah competing in the Fameck Arab Film Fest.
With all this going on, I am skipping a bunch of online Poker sessions these days but I'll be back in action for the Poker One Festival in Spa. I have posted info about this in a recent post. Go check it out and see you soon on the road! Après le WPO Dublin et le grand lancement du Winamax Poker Tour 2017/2018 à la Halle de la Villette à Paris en automne, ça va déjà bientôt être l'heure de la finale de cette saison et pour cela, le point de ralliement est de nouveau le Cercle Clichy Montmartre, haut-lieu du Poker dans la capitale Française depuis la fermeture de tous ses autres clubs il y a quelques années.
photo d'un road trip en France datant de 2011 Pour une raison obscure, j'ai beaucoup de mal à me décider à bouger en France quand je sélectionne mes destinations de voyage. Pourtant, je maîtrise la langue, le pays est plutôt grand avec des paysages et des cultures variées et sa scène Poker semble y vivre un renouveau ... ou pas ...
Pas trop le temps de sortir un appareil photo pendant mon weekend à Paris durant lequel j'ai de nouveau participé à la régie d'une table télé Winamax, à la Villette à Paris cette fois-ci après le WPO de Dublin en Septembre.
Le résultat est en ligne sur Twitch et j'ai réalisé un reportage photo plutôt détendu de l'event Beer Pong. Easy game ... After spending 10 days in Rozvadov for some epic PLO games and to play a bunch of WSOP Circuit Events, I briefly made my way to Paris last weekend to help directing the Winamax Poker Tour launch TV table at La Villette and I am now getting ready for some #pokernamur for the Oktoberfest before going back to Rozvadov next week for some more cash game sessions and to become a Poker wolrd champion at the King's WSOP Europe :) Tonight, I will be playing Namur's Big Tuesday as a warm up for my Belgian week before turning into the house photographer again with updates and galleries under www.pokernamurevent.be. After this my second stay of the month, I have decided to accept the Poker Belgique invitation in order to shoot weekend photos during their massive Monster Tournament with €40k GTD for a buy-in of only €50.
See you on the road, folks! > THE-ROUNDERdotnet Google calendar.
> THE-ROUNDERdotnet on Facebook. --- For the 6th time already, the Cercle Clichy Montmartre is teaming up again with the leading French online Poker provider for the #WiPT finals from 24th of February to 14th of March. The official schedule is available under this link. On top of this extensive live schedule, numerous satellites are already running online on the Winamax client. Depending on where you live, the client is available even if you are outside France. I will be on the spot for the live broadcasting of the Main Event final stages. See you in Paris !! Winter Fishing et autres excursions hivernales - sélection de parties de cartes un peu partout23/1/2017 > THE-ROUNDERdotnet Google calendar.
> THE-ROUNDERdotnet on Facebook. --- Déjà presque un mois que l'hiver est là et il est même bien là avec pas mal de neige et de verglas durant ce mois de janvier et des températures régulièrement en dessous de -10°C un peu partout en Europe. Vous feriez mieux d'aller vous réfugier dans un casino bien chauffé ! [first published on March 4th, 2016] The DeepStack Open will soon be back in St. Amand-les-Eaux with it's moderate buy in and pretty good structure...
I like the tournament, not necessarily the city, nor the casino but many buddies will probably be in for it. Choices... :p Still thinking of travelling to the North of France after the Winamax Poker Tour final table of today... [first published on February 17th, 2016] The Winamax Poker Tour (WiPT) is coming to an end after an extensive tour in Frenchland and a lot of online qualifiers. The 2015/2016 edition has been a great success again resulting in a final event in Paris that has already sold out two of the three Day 1s. See you at Cercle Clichy Montmartre in March!
[publié le 2 novembre 2015] C'est le coeur un peu lourd que je quitterai Namur et le Monster Tournamenr de Poker Belgique ce vendredi avec la sensation de ne pas aller au bout d'un tournoi. Que ce soit en tant que joueur ou en tant que reporter, je n'aime pas ça... Je laisse cependant la fin du coverage d'un tournoi dont les Days 2 et 3 s'annoncent grandioses entre de bonnes mains. C'est Jonathan Koszulap qui prendra la relève vendredi et je quitterai la Belgique pour rejoindre Paris et la troupe Winamax qui y prépare déjà le grand lancement du WiPT 15/16 dans la Grande Halle de la Villette. The Pasino de St-Amand-les-Eaux will be celebrating mid-summer with a tournament duo including a tombola and a bbq over the weekend from 14th to 16th of August. A French field again soon...
Anybody interest in sharing travel and accommodation fees? Get in touch HERE. The Barrière Poker Tour has been in full swing for the last months with nicely sized 570 EUR buy-in events across France. I have never tried the BPT circuit and I thought, it would just be a nice idea to take a few days off from the daily grind to travel to the South of France in late May. BPT TOULOUSE is on from 21st to 24th of May this year and it looks like there's no obvious reason why this trip should not be a total success :) Sun & cards ahead! There's plenty of info about the tour in the PDF below !! Get it now. ![]()
General info about the casino and its great cultural and gastronomical offer can be found on their website.
The hotel has been booked already and the seats are reserved! I'll be happy to sell a few shares of my tournament if somebody cares. Go to my 'poker challenges section' to find out more. If you happen to be in Toulouse the same time, feel free to get in touch to meet there! See you on the road! Un post en Français pour une fois car les personnes concernées risquent d'être majoritairement francophones. Je pars sur les routes du talent ce weekend avec comme objectif de participer au TEXAPOKER SERIES de St.Amand-les-Eaux avec son Main Event à €440+60 du 13 au 15 mars. Je passerai par la case volatile, mais potentiellement très lucrative du satellite du vendredi et je compte en faire profiter des stackers à cause de la folle variance de ces satellites. Si, ça ne passe pas comme espéré, je ne vais pas buy-in le Main Event, mais j'irai rendre visite aux amis Belges que prends beaucoup en photo depuis des mois pour, histoire de changer, aller les relancer dans le ONE DAY TOURNAMENT de PokerBelgique. Il s'agit d'un marathon Poker sur 24h à €40 re-entry avec 800bb de stack de départ qui commence le 14 mars pour toute la nuit. Il va y a voir du spew à mon avis... :p Je vends 10% de tous mes gains du weekend par tranches de €25. Il y a trois packs. Le PDF ci-dessous devrait répondre à toutes les questions... Programme Poker de St.Amand-les-Eaux jusqu'à avril 2015 en PDF: ![]()
Winamax will be on tour again across France from October 2014 to January 2015!
The Winamax Poker Tour (WiPT) is kicking off soon with 43 stops accessible via online and live freerolls. The final will offer a guaranteed prizepool of €500.000 held in Paris again at Cercle Clichy Montmartre. The launch of the series of live freerolls will be held on October 25th & 26th in Paris with a 2000 player freeroll. All info is available HERE. Live streaming of the event on Dailymotion. The St-Amand-les-Eaux Pasino is offering a great tourney to spend the Assumption weekend!
This tournament takes advantage of the friday, August 15th celebration to offer a 3-day structure starting on thursday 14th with a starting stack of 40000 chips and 45' levels. Get all the info and updates on the Poker room Facebook page now. ![]() The Unibet DeepStack Open (DSO) will be back in St. Amant-les-Eaux in early May this year. Look forward to a pretty sweet tourney from May 1st to 4th for 550€, blind levels of 50' and a starting stack of 50000 chips. Overbets ahead! All info HERE. ![]() It will be hard to chose between the French light preflop reraisers floating around on the turn at the St.Amand Pasino Cup and the loose callers at Namur's Oktoberfest but you gotta make this difficult choice soon. It's a flip basically :) That said, both cities are close enough to each other to start with one and continue with the other if you bust. You decide! Get inspired >> here << . ![]() It's season 3 guys! FPS are coming back to Amnéville from May 28th to June 2nd and it's gonna be a great fishing week! Those who've played in Amnéville know what I mean. Those who haven't will understand after a couple of hands... Get informed >>here<< !! There's an After Work Poker satelite running in April for our fellow Luxembourg friends. Find details on Facebook here. ![]() The St. Amand-les-Eaux Partouche Pasino is offering this 300€ freezout tourney again with: - 18000 starting chips - 35 minute blind levels - 80% guaranteed bad weather so you'll not be tempted to leave the poker room - a couple of juicy cash game tables in case you bust early ;) Questions? Answers! ![]() Wanted - the finest raiser of the West!! ACF announces a promising tourney series in Novembre. Who will shoot the Sheriff? Find out about the shootings' schedule here. ![]() 5 is the magic number in St. Amand-les-Eaux. The Partouche Pasino near the Belgian border will be hosting a nice 548 EUR deepstack tourney (500+48) on 10th and 11th of November. Things will go like this: - 25000 starting stack - 40 min levels - start at 20h00 -> Google Itinerary ![]() Spa, Poker & cloudy weather in northern France! The Partouche Pasino Cup is back with a weekend of middle stake kinda deep tournaments from 26th to 28th of October! Check out the facts here! |